Through the past few years of our homeschool journey, we have learned alot about our children and ourselves. I've learned that when you provide it, they will come. My children are quite independent and they do not like to ask me for small things all the time so I have created their own leveled space. We have drawers at their level containing puzzles, blocks, paper, writing utensils etc. They have free unlimited access to all these things. They also know that they are responsible for the clean up and maintenance of it all and so far we have been smooth sailing I find my children wanting to do more and read more because they have the ability to grab what they want at any given time. It's truly a blessed victory to me to see children wanting to be creative rather than sit around and watch TV. Some people feel like they shouldn't cater to their children in such a way, but to me that is what having children is all about....creating that space and providing the resources needed f...
I am now working on syllables with my son and wanted to make something that he could refer to. There is only so much room on a wall for posters and I have already met my limit :) so I have been scaling my reference materials down a bit and have been creating things that take up a lot less space, yet efficient enough in content for mastering comprehension. I started my web surfing and almost immediately cam across this gem. I found this site with syllabication rules already formatted for printing and cutting. I printed them out, laminated them, and punched a hole in the upper right hand corner. If you don't have a laminator, you can print the sheets out on cardstock paper for more durability. I used a plastic loose leaf snap ring to keep the cards together. I have already seen him use them quite a few times without being prompted and I was quite pleased to see that. Here is a close up of what the loose leaf snap rings look like. They are very inexpensive (about $1.50 for a p...
Peace Blessings Balance I have tranferred my blog entries over to my new ning "Homeschooling on a Budget and Outside of the Box" I wanted to create a space for like minded homeschoolers to connect because WHERE THERE IS UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH PEACE Join and connect with other like minds on your homescholing journey. Visit Homeschooling on a Budget and Outside of the Box